Citizen card and memberships

As of November 25, 2024, the bciti+ platform will be deactivated and will no longer be accessible.

You will therefore no longer have access to your electronic Citizen Card or to the online library and pool subscription service. To continue taking advantage of these municipal services, we invite you to follow the instructions below:

Citizen Card

If you already have a physical Citizen Card, you don't need to take any action. Your file number never changes. If you know it, it will continue to work when you register for the various activities offered by the city and the library, as long as your file has not expired.

If you only have an electronic citizen card (bciti+ application), you have three options:

  • Before November 25, take a screenshot of your Citizen Card on your cell phone to continue using it.
  • Go to the recreation center or library to obtain a free physical Citizen Card. If your file has expired, you will be asked to provide proof of residence.
  • Send an e-mail to with a copy of your proof of residence. A member of our team will e-mail you your file number. This number is required to register for activities.

Follow the same procedure to obtain a file number or physical citizenship card for your children or spouse. Each family member must have his or her own file number to register for an activity or subscribe to a service.

Not yet a subscriber?

Starting November 25, if you haven't registered for bciti+, you have two options for obtaining a citizen card:

  • Go to the recreation center or library with proof of residence and photo ID. A member of staff will open a file for you, giving you access to registration for leisure activities and a physical citizenship card.
  • Fill in the online forms (below). A member of our team will then open a file for you, giving you access to registration for leisure activities, and will e-mail you your membership number.

Request for a new Citizen Card (adult)



Request for a new Citizen Card (dependent child)

Gender of the child


Library membership

If you already have a membership, it will continue to run until its expiry date.

You can purchase or renew your library membership by visiting the library during opening hours. A member of staff will then activate your subscription, giving you access to all our services. Library services are free for residents. To find out more, visit the Library page.

If you don't already have a citizen card, the staff can create a file for you at the same time. You'll need to show proof of residence and photo ID.

Pool membership

If you already have a membership, it will continue to run until its expiry date.

You can purchase your pool membership at the leisure center during opening hours. For membership rates, visit the Indoor pool page.

If you don't already have a citizen card, the team will be able to create a file for you at the same time. You'll need to show proof of residence and photo ID.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact the recreation team at 450 672-4444 or

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