Changes to 2025 waste collections

Changes to 2025 waste collections

Major changes will come into effect on January 1, 2025 for all residual materials collections.

What will these changes be?

All collections

  • New collection days and four new collection sectors will come into effect.
  • Collections will start at 6 a.m. Bins must be placed curbside before 5:30 a.m. on the morning of the collection.
Sectors map

Click here to enlarge the map

To find out the days of the various collections in your area, please refer to the 2025 calendar.

2025 waste collection calendar

Household garbage collection

  • Household garbage will be collected every three weeks at singlefamily dwellings and apartment buildings with 8 units or fewer.
  • Bins will be emptied by mechanical lifting throughout the city.
  • Only wheeled bins (black, grey or green) with European grips will be accepted: you have the option of using 120-litre, 240-litre, or 360-litre bins.
  • Only one bin per residence will be allowed.
  • No surplus garbage placed beside the bin will be picked up.
Citizens will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate bins at their own expense before January 1, 2025, if they don’t already have them.

This measure reduces the impact of our environmental footprint. By optimizing sorting and the use of our blue and brown bins, we can considerably reduce the amount of material going into our garbage. Good sorting at source is THE best solution!

According to RECYC-QUÉBEC statistics, only 3% of the contents of our garbage are actually waste. This means that 37% of our residual materials are recoverable, 48% are compostable and 12% are reusable.

Répartition matières résiduelles

There are a number of resources available to help you sort better and reduce the amount of material that ends up in the garbage.

The majority of waste collection is now mechanized, meaning that collection trucks are equipped with a mechanized arm to empty the contents of wheeled bins. That's why it's essential to get a bin that fits.

Authorized bins:

  • 120-L, 240-L or 360-L wheeled bin
  • Color: gray, black or green
  • European plug (support strips on front of bin)
Europeen grid

European plug-in wheeled bins cost approximately between $100 for a 120-L and $140 for a 360-L (plus tax). They have an average lifespan of 8 to 10 years.

This type of bin is easily found in local hardware and big-box stores. All sizes are available at our local BRM hardware store on Victoria Avenue.

As citizens have a variety of needs, we leave it up to them to choose the size of bin that suits them best. It's also a question of logistics and fairness, since many citizens already have a compliant bin purchased at their own expense.

Your waste in any other type of container will not be collected.

Recoverable materials collection

  • Recoverable materials will be collected every two weeks for everyone, including industrial, commercial and institutional buildings (ICIs), as well as apartment buildings with 9 or more units. A maximum of six 360-L recovery bins will be allowed.

If this number is not sufficient to meet needs, certain options are available depending on the type of building.

The Ville de Saint-Lambert offers the possibility of serving buildings with 9 to 19 units with a front-loading container with a volume of between 2 and 8 vg3. The city will cover the cost of container rental and collection.

If you have any questions, please contact the Environment Division at or 450-672-4444.

These buildings will be required to purchase a front-loading container at their own expense. The change of equipment must be made by December 31, 2026, failing which the building will no longer be served by the municipal collection service.

Transition period
As of January 1, 2025, the Ville de Saint-Lambert will collect recoverable materials every two weeks from buildings that have purchased a front-loading container with a volume of between 2 and 8 vg3. Buildings with more than six wheeled bins that have not acquired a container should contact the Environment Division to make arrangements.

To ensure an optimal transition, we suggest that you plan to change your equipment as early as possible, before the deadline.

Buildings with containers
Buildings that already have a front-loading container or a semi-embedded front-loading container and are not currently served by the City will be able to do so as of January 1, 2025. Those responsible are invited to contact the City's Environment Division to take advantage of the service. Buildings equipped with a rear-loading container will have to make the required equipment change to be served by the City.

If you have any questions, please contact the Environment Division at or 450-672-4444.

Why these changes?

The provincial government has decided to modernize the selective waste collection system in Québec. Among other things, it has designated Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) as the body responsible for managing the collection of recoverable materials throughout the province. The division of Saint-Lambert territory into four sectors and the reduced frequency of this type of collection meets the ÉEQ requirements.

One of the main objectives of these changes is to encourage every resident of the City to sort their residual materials properly and thereby reduce the use of landfills. The spacing out of household garbage collections is intended to incentivize people to participate in the other types of collection, such as those of organic waste and recoverable materials.

Not only do materials that end up in landfills produce large quantities of methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG), but transporting them also emits GHGs. Reducing the frequency of these collections therefore reduces the amount of GHGs emitted by trucks.

By optimizing the collection routes, the City will achieve considerable savings. Reducing the volume of garbage sent to landfills through better management of recoverable and organic materials will also help reduce the ever-higher costs associated with landfill sites.

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