27 Mar 2025
The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English language content.
27 Mar 2025
INFO-WORKS | Due to sewer repairs, Queen boulevard will be closed between De Picardie and Irvine avenues towards Laurier boulevard starting Monday, March 24 at 8 a.m. for 2 to 3 days.
27 Mar 2025
The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English language content.
27 Mar 2025
INFO-WORKS | Due to sewer repairs, Queen boulevard will be closed between De Picardie and Irvine avenues towards Laurier boulevard starting Monday, March 24 at 8 a.m. for 2 to 3 days.

Council meetings

The Saint-Lambert municipal council makes it a priority to answer your questions and address your comments. To this end, your elected representatives hold public meetings once a month.

City Council meetings take place in person at the multi-purpose centre (81 Hooper Street). You can also view the meeting live on our YouTube page. It will remain available for replay.

There are specific rules for the conduct of City Council meetings.

By-law on the procedure for Council meetings (2022-197) (in French)

Question periods

Two question periods are reserved for citizens at every City Council meeting. The first takes place at the beginning of the meeting and a second follows a discussion of all the agenda items.

Each question must be clear, presented in question form and free of comments. Questions may be preceded by a short preamble only if it is intended to facilitate their understanding.

Respect and decorum are essential to the successful conduct of a Council meeting.

Written Questions

If a person is unable to attend, questions may be sent to the City Clerk’s Office at greffe@saint-lambert.ca. Questions must be submitted by noon on the day of the meeting.

A maximum of 30 minutes is allotted for the first question period. Questions must be limited to the topics on the agenda.

At the beginning of this question period, anyone wishing to ask a question will be invited to come to the microphone. Each person may ask only one question while other people have not had the opportunity to ask their question. A maximum of three minutes is allotted per question.

Individuals may ask a total of two questions during this question period.

A maximum of one hour is allotted for the second question period.

Individuals who wants to ask a question can go to the microphone one by one. Each person will have three minutes to ask his or her question or two questions.

Past meetings

You can consult the meetings of the last years. If the meeting you wish to consult is earlier, you can contact the City Clerk's Office at 450 672-4444 or at greffe@saint-lambert.ca to obtain the documents.

Tell us what you think