BOIL WATER ADVISORY | A preventive boil water advisory is currently in effect for residents of des Landes between des Ardennes and du Finistère. Residents must boil water for 1 minute before consuming it.
Garbage is collected every three weeks for single-family residences and buildings with 8 dwellings or less. Collection is every two weeks for buildings with 9 dwellings or more, and for industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) buildings.
Collection days vary by sector. Please refer to your calendar.
The bins must be placed at the curb between 7 p.m. the day before and 5:30 a.m. the morning of collection. They must be removed the day after collection.
Collectors can pick up waste materials between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. If they still have not come after this time, please leave your bin at the curb and notify the Environment Management division at 450-672-4444 or at Thank you for your collaboration!
Authorized type of bin
Only wheeled bins (black, grey or green) with European grips are accepted: you have the option of using 120-litre, 240-litre, or 360-litre bins. No surplus garbage placed beside the bin is picked up.
Only one bin per residence is allowed. Citizens are responsible for obtaining a appropriate bin at their own expense.
Required bin positioning
To facilitate the work of the proposed collectors, we ask you to respect the following instructions:
Put out your bins between 7 p.m. on the day before collection and 5.30 a.m. on the morning of collection. Pick them up, if possible, as soon as the collection is over.
Place your bin in your driveway, not in the street or on the sidewalk. Wheels and handles should face your home.
Make sure the lid is securely closed and that nothing is placed on top.
Leave a clearance of 1 m (3 ft.) all around the bin. If you're taking out several bins at the same time, make sure there's enough clearance between each one.
Prohibited in the regular waste
Some items are not accepted in the household garbage collection:
Large items All large waste and objects such as furniture, mattresses, carpets, etc., are not picked up with the regular household garbage. There is four collections per year for those oversized items.
Halocarbon-containing appliances Halocarbon-containing appliances that are harmful to the environment, such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, etc., are not picked up with the regular household garbage. You must bring your halocarbon-containing appliances to an ecocentre or consult the Directory of recyclers to find a place where you can properly dispose these items. Moreover, we strongly recommend that when you purchase a new appliance, you include a pick-up for your old appliance in the sales contract.
Construction waste You may not place construction, renovation, and demolition waste such as lumber, ceramic, toilets, etc., out with the regular waste. You must bring these items to an ecocentre or have your contractor remove them.
Hazardous household waste We ask that you bring your hazardous household waste (HHW) to an ecocentre, where it is accepted year round. Products such as paint, solvents, oils, pesticides, etc. are harmful to the environment and to human health if they are not properly disposed of.Dispose of used batteries, printer cartridges, chlorine, and cell phones in the recycling containers available at City Hall, the library and the recreation centre.
Alternatives for waste materials that are not accepted
To present the alternatives available for getting rid of waste materials not accepted in the regular garbage or recycling collections, the city also suggests displaying the poster on the Agglomération de Longueuil ecocentres and the materials accepted there, near the collection containers.
Only one waste bin is authorized per single-family residence. Exceptionally, certain types of residential households may be authorized to use an additional bin:
Family or intergenerational home with six (6) or more occupants;
Home daycare;
Homes for the elderly and/or disabled.
Owners of authorized buildings must apply to the City for the use of an additional bin by completing the form below, accompanied by the required supporting documents.
Submission of a request does not guarantee approval. Following analysis of the file, an e-mail confirming acceptance of the request will be sent to the owner. The owner must go to the reception desk at the recreation centre (600 Oak Avenue) to pay the $150 fee and pick up the authorization sticker. This sticker must be affixed to the front of the additional bin so that it is clearly visible to the collection operator.
Please note that the City does not supply the extra bin. Owners must purchase a suitable bin at their own expense.
The request is valid for the current year only. Owners who wish to benefit from this right must reapply annually.
*Examples of supporting documents: Proof of children's schooling with address, document proving the presence of daycare at the address (from the ministry or coordinating office), document proving the residence of disabled people at the address.
For further information, please contact the Environment Division at 450 672-4444 or
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