Municipal committees

Your municipal Council recognizes the importance of restoring an active role to the various advisory committees. Created to develop recommendations on specific files, the committees offer citizens the opportunity to become involved in their community.

By discussing and exchanging information with residents, the elected officials and municipal administrators who sit on these committees can establish a clear picture of the day-to-day needs of Lambertans and thus ensure the cost-effective delivery of appropriate services.

To ensure fair and efficient management of its committees, the Ville de Saint-Lambert has adopted a nominations and operating policy for committees and ad hoc working groups. As its name suggests, this policy is intended to set the parameters required for the creation of committees along with the establishment of their mandate and how they operate.


You will find below the list of the main municipal committees.

Governed by the Act Respecting Land use Planning and Development, the Urban Planning Advisory Committee (UPAC) has the mandate to deliver opinions on applications it receives in matters of urban and land-use planning, including:

  • Applications for minor exemptions from the by-laws;
  • Applications for approval of plans through the Siting & Architectural Integration Plan (SAIP) process; and
  • Applications for changes to the zoning, subdivision, building, and permits and certificates by-laws.

The members of the UPAC are chosen for their expertise in urban planning, architecture, heritage, or any other discipline that might guide and support the municipal council in its decision-making.

The UPAC allows the municipal council to benefit from the contribution of citizens and elected officials, who bring to the table their experience and specific concerns regarding land-use planning. The UPAC thus brings citizens closer to urban planning issues.


Any project request must be submitted to the Urban Planning, Permits and Inspection Department. The project will then be evaluated by the members of the Urban Planning Advisory Committee, who will then make their recommendations to City Council.

A permit may be issued after the municipal council approves the project at a subsequent public meeting.

Its members

The UPAC is made up of:

  • city councillors Liette Michaud as president and Claude Ferguson (substitute member);
  • Pierre-François Chapleau (since February 2020) and Tiam Sharifi (since April 2022) as architects or retired architects;
  • Paul Guenther (since February 2020) and Ariane Mercier (since April 2022) as members with expertise in urban planning;
  • Luc Côté (since April, 2022) as a representative of the Mouillepied Historical Society and Huguette Chartrand-Copti (since September 2024) as substitute;;
  • replacement members: Émilie Langlois (since June 2024) and Éric Huot (since June 2024);
  • head of the territory development division, Youki Cropras.

2025 Calendar

The dates of the committee meetings are scheduled in advance. To help you plan your projects, you can consult the annual calendar.

In 2007, Saint-Lambert City Council created the Sustainable Development and Environment Committee to work on improving the municipality’s environmental performance and ensuring its sustainable development.

More specifically, the Environment Committee is responsible for:

  • submitting opinions and recommendations to City Council on environmental and sustainable development issues;
  • proposing, coordinating, and carrying out awareness-raising activities such as the sale of trees, composters, and rain barrels, an event held in the context of Earth Hour, etc.;
  • studying other environmental matters and projects submitted by the city, and carrying them out.

The Committee’s efforts led to the adoption of a sustainable development plan in 2012, and in turn gave rise to the city’s Tree Policy. Since that time, the Committee’s role has consisted mainly of following up on the execution of this plan and the related projects.

Its members

The following individuals sit on the Sustainable Development and Environment Committee:

  • city councillors Loïc Blancquaert, as president and Julie Bourgoin, as vice-president;
  • the head of the Environment Management division, Marie-Ève Ferland;
  • Claudette Gagnon (since February 2022) as representative of the Saint-Lambert Eco-citizen group;
  • and as citizens Bernard Beaudry (since February 2020), Monique Legault (since February 2022), Phillipe Blain (July 2024) and Camille Troude (July 2024).

Let us know!

If you wish to signal a problem or make a specific request to the members of the Sustainable Development and Environment Committee, please complete the request form below or write to

The Traffic Management Committee studies requests and problems relating to signage and traffic control throughout the territory of Saint-Lambert.

More specifically, its mandate is to:

  • receive requests and complaints concerning traffic, traffic control, and the use and safety of the road network across the City’s territory;
  • issue opinions and make recommendations to City Council about changes that would improve the flow of traffic;
  • monitor the implementation of the traffic master plan that was adopted in 2013; and
  • conduct a general study of other matters that fall within its scope of expertise.

Because the Traffic Management Committee (the “Committee”) acts in a consultative capacity, City Council is responsible for adopting its recommendations and for taking measures, by resolution or by-law, to implement them.

Its members

The Committee is made up of:

  • City Councillors Stéphanie Verreault, as President, and Liette Michaud, as Vice-President;
  • City Councillors Julie Bourgoin and Virginie Dostie-Toupin;
  • Director of Engineering, Public Works and Environment, Éric Painchaud;
  • Raphaëlle Simard, representing the Service de police de l'agglomération de Longueuil (SPAL);
  • Nicolas Tanguay, representing Réseau de transport de Longueuil (RTL);
  • and citizens Émilie Langlois (since May 2024), Serge E. Delpeche (February 2020) and Marie Prince (since February 2022).

Traffic problem

If you are concerned about a speed issue or other traffic problems on local streets in your neighbourhood or elsewhere in Saint-Lambert, you can inform us by completing the request form available online.

Upon receipt, your request will be analyzed to determine whether traffic calming or monitoring measures can be put in place.

Step 1: Verifying whether the request meets the eligibility criteria

The request will be submitted to an internal technical committee for analysis. The following criteria must be met for the situation to qualify for a traffic calming or monitoring measure:

  1. The traffic calming measure will be applied on a local street only.
  2. More than 15% of the vehicles drive at speeds of over 45 km/hour.
  3. If the street concerned lies on a bus circuit under the Réseau de transport de Longueuil (RTL), the request will have to be analyzed by the RTL beforehand.

If the traffic volume or speed requires analysis in order to verify the eligibility of the request, the Engineering Department, in collaboration with the Public Works Office, will be responsible for doing a vehicle count.

Step 2: Determining appropriate traffic calming measures

When the implementation of a traffic calming measure is warranted, the technical committee will make a recommendation to this effect to the Traffic Management Committee at one of its nine annual meetings.

Possible traffic calming measures include:

Table of traffic calming measures

Step 3: Obtaining additional approval

Certain measures require additional approvals following the Committee’s recommendation.

Residents of the targeted sector

If the Committee recommends adding a speed bump or a 30 km/h bollard, additional requirements apply, such as the approval of at least 50% of the residents who would be affected by the measure.

Please consult the following policies (in French only) in this regard:

In these documents, you will also find the conditions for requesting the removal of one or another of these measures.

City Council

Depending on the type of measures recommended, the Traffic Management Committee may have to submit the recommendations to City Council for approval.

In Saint-Lambert, an immovable may not be demolished in whole or in part without first obtaining a demolition permit. The Demolition Committee is responsible for reviewing all requests for such permits.

What does demolition mean?

Under our by-laws, demolition means razing or destroying:

  • more than 50% of the above-ground exterior gross volume of an immovable;
  • more than 50% of the area, projected horizontally, of the roof of an immovable;
  • more than 50% of the area of the exterior walls of an immovable;
  • or any combination of the preceding components that numerically totals more than 120%.


All applications for a demolition permit are reviewed by the Demolition Committee according to a number of criteria:

  • the condition of the immovable covered by the application;
  • the deterioration of the architectural appearance or the aesthetic character of the neighbourhood, or of the quality of life in the neighbourhood;
  • the program for reuse of the vacated land.

As the decision-making body, the Committee renders its decision to grant or deny the demolition permit based on the public interest. The decisions may be appealed before City Council.

Its members

The Demolition Committee is made up of the following persons:

  • city councillors Francis Le Chatelier and Virginie Dostie-Toupin and the mayor Pascale Mongrain.

Committee meetings

The Demolition Committee meets when a request is made that requires it. These meetings are announced in a public notice a few days ahead of time. Meetings are open to the public.

Get involved!

Anytime, if you are interested in sharing your expertise and time to sit on a committee, you are invited to send us your application.

Applications will be evaluated and will serve to fill positions that become vacant.


Tell us what you think