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Call for submissions: The Ville de Saint-Lambert is looking for an artist-photographer

Published on 16 Aug 2024

The Ville de Saint-Lambert is currently looking for an artist-photographer to realize a large-photograph exhibition to be held at Coulée-Verte Park.

This project is part of the City's initiatives to stimulating artistic life and promoting access to culture within the community. It will also showcase the talent of an artist from Saint-Lambert, while promoting the richness of our cultural environment.

The exhibition will present seven (7) photographs, along with an interpretive panel designed to help visitors understand the artistic process.

How to apply

Artists from Saint-Lambert who wish to apply must have 16 years olds and submit a series of photographs demonstrating an innovative artistic treatment of a subject (photomontage, conceptual photos, fantasy photos, etc.). They must also demonstrate the results of a sustained artistic process focussed on a favourite subject.

An applicant’s submission must include the following:

  • a curriculum vitae, including the artist's full contact details;
  • a document describing the artistic process (1 page);
  • a document describing the proposed exhibition project (1 page);
  • seven (7) photographs representative of the proposed exhibition, including the titles of the works, the treatment used, and the year. The photographs must be high resolution (300 dpi) and lend themselves to large-format printing (47.75 x 46 inches).
Submissions must be sent by no later than September 13, 2024, at noon to For larger files, artists may use a download site such as or

Criteria and conditions

Complete files only will be examined according to the following criteria:

  • aesthetic appeal and visual interest (the content);
  • concept proposal and originality;
  • artistic process used in the project;
  • technical qualities (light, exposure and composition of the image); and
  • quality of the proposed project in an outdoor setting aimed at the general public.

The selected project will be the subject of an agreement between the Ville de Saint-Lambert and the artist. The City will be responsible for the graphic montage of the exhibition and for the interpretive panel. The panels will be displayed in the Coulée-Verte park for a period of one (1) year. The artist will receive a fee of $650 following installation of the photos.

  • Associated categories :
  • Arts and culture
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