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Rise to the Dandelion Challenge: it’s free!

Published on 25 Apr 2024

Don’t rush to get your lawnmower out! For a third year, the Ville de Saint-Lambert is rising to the Dandelion Challenge. We invite you to let the wildflowers and dandelions grow on your property. Dandelion flowers are in fact known to be rich in nectar and pollen, and in early spring, they provide a significant source of food for bees and other pollinating insects. These insects that pollinate plants are responsible for bringing us approximately one-third of all the food we eat.

Contrary to popular belief, the aim is not to avoid mowing the lawn altogether, but to restrict mowing until the flowers have finished blooming. In the case of dandelions, for example, mowing can resume as soon as the flower turns into a white ball.

Your city is also doing its part!

The Ville de Saint-Lambert is sensitive to the situation of bees. In order to have a significant impact on the health of pollinators, several lawn mowing zones will be reduced during the flowering period to improve access to nectar and pollen, and to protect our pollinating insects. So, during the flowering period, the lawns of several parks and spaces will not be mowed. These areas (13) will be identified with signs:

  • Bretagne Park
  • Renaissance Park
  • Des Maires Park
  • Du Golf Park
  • Du Limousin Park
  • Pas-de-Calais Park
  • Logan Park
  • Lorne Park
  • Filtration plant site
  • Public Works site
  • De l’industrie Street
  • boulevard Union median
  • du Languedoc Street median

All citizens are invited to let their dandelion flowers grow in this early spring to allow pollinators and bees to feed.

  • Associated categories :
  • Environment
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