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Highlights of the City Council meeting of May 13, 2024

Published on 14 May 2024

The City Council met on May 13, 2024 to hold its monthly public meeting. Mayor Pascale Mongrain opened the meeting by speaking on several topics of interest:

  • The project to refurbish the Alexandra Park pool and chalet;
  • The bicycle path project on Tiffin Road;
  • The City Hall;
  • Léger survey;
  • The importance of buying local.

The following is a summary of the main issues discussed and orientations adopted :

1. By-law concerning traffic, parking and road safety

An updated traffic by-law has been adopted to meet current needs and comply with the highway safety code. The most important change is the introduction of “Free Play in the Street”. Previously tolerated and now legal, this practice encourages young and old alike to have fun on authorized residential streets. Over the next few weeks, we'll be rolling out a promotional and signage campaign across the territory on this subject.

Other interesting changes include the integration into the by-law of already existing notions concerning:

  • the parking stickers and overnight street parking during winter;
  • the requirement for authorization to hold fund-raising activities on public roads;
  • the updated speed limits, including 20 km/h in school zones;
  • a ban on parking for more than 72 consecutive hours at the same location.

You can consult the complete by-law.

2. Repairs to the front and rear balconies of Maison Desaulniers

The Municipal Council has given the go-ahead for repairs to the front and rear balconies and the fire escape at Maison Desaulniers. At a cost of $80,000, this work will ensure the safety of users and extend the life of the house.

3. Acquisition and installation of a water-heating system at the Seaway pool

To the delight of swimmers and in response to their repeated requests, the Seaway pool will soon be equipped with a water heater to temper the pool water, often described as “freezing”! This new $110,000 acquisition will improve user comfort and extend the swimming season. It is scheduled for installation before summer.

Couldn't make it?

You can listen to the regular meeting on our YouTube channel. The full agenda and related documentation can also be consulted at any time.

  • Associated categories :
  • Democratic life
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