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Road safety is my concern!

Published on 28 Aug 2024

La sécurité routière, c’est mon affaire!

In 2024, sharing the road is a source of concern as the number of drivers and road users increases and the ways in which we travel diversify.

For harmonious cohabitation on the road, everyone has a role to play in ensuring their own safety and that of other road users. Vigilance is particularly important at crosswalks and around schools. This is all more true during the back-to-school period, when the number of journeys intensifies and more children are on the move.


  • Cross at the nearest intersection or crosswalk.
  • Respect pedestrian lights.
  • Use the sidewalk, or if there is none, walk on the edge of the road or on the shoulder of the road in the opposite direction to traffic.
  • Check traffic before crossing (left, right, left again and back).
  • Try to make eye contact with drivers, otherwise assume they haven't seen you.
  • Avoid distractions (headphones, cell phones, text messages) when walking, especially when crossing intersections.
  • Be visible at all times (bright clothing, reflective strips, etc.).


  • Signal your intentions: use the sign code.
  • If there is more than one lane, ride in the right-hand lane.
  • You must ride in the same direction as traffic, unless you are authorized to ride against the flow of traffic or in case of necessity.
  • At intersections, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians entering the intersection or clearly indicating their intention to do so, as well as to cyclists and vehicles that have already entered the intersection or have the right of way.
  • At intersections with stop signs in all directions: the first person to come to a complete stop has the right of way, whether on a bicycle, motorcycle, car or heavy vehicle.


  • Respect the right of way for pedestrians at intersections, and be extra careful before making a right turn at a red light.
  • Signal your intentions (signaling is not an option, it's an obligation!).
  • Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.
  • Don't encroach on the crosswalk when stopping at an intersection.
  • Leave enough space for cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Avoid unnecessary honking.


  • Be aware of people driving near your truck, especially at intersections in urban areas.
  • Watch for and anticipate pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Never assume that your intentions and maneuvers are predictable for other road users.
  • Make sure your mirrors are in good condition, clear and properly adjusted.
  • Keep your headlights on at all times.
  • Signal your intentions by using your turn signals to turn or change lanes.

For more road safety tips, visit the Service de police de l'agglomération de Longueuil section of the Ville de Longueuil website.

  • Associated categories :
  • Community life

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