2021-2030 Sustainable Development Plan
he fruit of a collaborative process and inspired by the experience of the first 2012-2016 sustainable development plan, this plan endeavours to provide a unifying vision, anchored in today's municipal realities and focused on ensuring a quality environment for the community of today and tomorrow.
Collectively, we have an obligation to ensure responsible and sustainable development. For a municipality, this means offering a quality living environment to all its residents, without compromising that of future generations, through good governance and the coherent and efficient management of the city’s economic, social and environmental resources. The Ville de Saint-Lambert is fully aware of its responsibilities toward its population. For a number of years now, it has been involved in a process of integrating sustainable development principles into the core of its vision, management and activities.
The implementation of the plan will promote the integration of these principles into all action plans, current or future, within the municipality, thus making sustainable development an integral part of all spheres of activity.
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- PDF format: 2021-2030 Sustainable Development Plan