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Family and Seniors Policy

In Saint-Lambert, citizens of all ages contribute to the growth, dynamism, and vitality of our city. To build an environment that is recognized as a great place to live, we must draw our inspiration from the children who play in our parks and the families and seniors who take part in our festivals and events.

A policy updated to the needs and expectations of the population

Proud of its many achievements on behalf of families and seniors, in the summer of 2018 the City of Saint-Lambert embarked on important process of reflection aimed at updating its family policy, which dated back to 2011.

The policy was entirely re-examined to bring it in line with the new realities of the community. It now looks to the future and serves as unifying force for our community. It pays particular attention to the concerns of seniors, with a view to obtaining Age-Friendly City certification (MADA, in French) for the first time.

A management and planning tool

Its implementation will guide our municipality’s actions to ensure the development of a living environment that fosters personal fulfilment and improves quality of life for all our families and seniors. In the planning of new projects, the family and its needs will be at the core of our discussions as it will be for any initiative whose aim is to enhance the services offered by the city.

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Mayor’s message

With our first family policy in 2011, we sought to meet the expectations and needs of all family members. We have taken a number of actions in this regard since then, and are now ready to begin a new chapter of consolidation.

The policy has been totally re-thought to keep pace with the new realities of our community, and it now strives to focus on the future and bring our community together. It also pays particular attention to the concerns of seniors, as we hope to obtain our first certification as an Age-Friendly City (AFC).

Beyond its words, objectives and strategic orientations, the updated policy represents a concrete commitment to families and seniors. Through its implementation, it will continue to guide our daily actions in order to ensure the development of an environment conducive to the growth and fulfillment of our families and the vitality of our community.

Chair’s messages

Philippe Glorieux, City Councillor and Chair of the Family and Seniors Committee

The committee worked for a year and a half on a thorough review of the Families and Seniors Policy. Our mandate was to define the municipal action we would like to put in place over the next five years that would reflect the new realities of the community.

Based on our research and two public consultations, we developed a detailed portrait of families and seniors, identified issues and ultimately established actions to achieve our objectives. In addition, the various municipal departments have expressed their support for the conditions of implementation for the proposed actions. Finally, a monitoring committee will be responsible, on an annual basis, for ensuring the successful implementation of the policy.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the members of the committee for their most valuable contribution. Now we invite you to discover what this policy has to offer you.

Brigitte Marcotte, City Councillor responsible for seniors

Our seniors make up an extremely active group in Saint-Lambert, one that is heavily involved in community life. Their strong sense of belonging can translate into an equal impact on our community’s vitality. To achieve this in a meaningful way, we must create favourable conditions for active ageing in our policies, services and facilities.

Julie Bourgoin, City Councillor responsible for families

We had to take into account the new family realities during each step in the development of our action plan to ensure that we could support their participation in municipal life. With this policy, we recognize the importance of the contributions made not only by families, but also by each family member, in their roles as essential actors in a strong, forward-looking community.

Family and Seniors Committee

The Family and Seniors Policy was developed by a committee made up of elected municipal officers, residents and community workers, with support from the Carrefour action municipale et famille. Through their actions and by drawing on their diverse experiences and areas of expertise, the committee members succeeded in developing a community project that will mobilize all Saint-Lambert residents.

The City of Saint-Lambert offers its warmest thanks to these individuals for their generous involvement and contributions to the development of this policy, which is designed to reflect the image of all its residents.

Committee members

  • Danièle Auclair, community organizer – CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
  • Nadia Beauregard, person responsible for community life and seniors – City of Saint-Lambert
  • Julie Blanchette, coordinator – Centre de Bénévolat de la Rive-Sud
  • Julie Bourgoin, city councillor and person responsible for matters concerning families
  • Virginie Dostie-Toupin, resident
  • Philippe Glorieux, city councillor and committee chairperson
  • Pierre Hogue, past president – Saint-Lambert Council for Seniors
  • Catherine Langevin, head of the Communications Management Division – City of Saint-Lambert
  • Dominique Lesage, resident
  • Renée Liboiron, president – Tenants des arts et de la culture
  • Brigitte Marcotte, city councillor and person responsible for matters concerning seniors
  • Joanne Martin, public health promotion agent – CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
  • Chantal Plamondon, community organizer – CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
  • Louise Poulin, co-founder – L’Entreclefs
  • Èvelyne Racette, resident
  • Louise Struthers, public services librarian – City of Saint-Lambert
  • Laurence Villeneuve, resident


  • Nathalie Simard, Carrefour action municipale et famille
  • Emmanuelle Jean-Arsenault, Carrefour action municipale et famille

Next steps

The development of the Family and Seniors Policy is only the first step. To ensure follow-up and implementation, the City of Saint-Lambert will:

  • mandate the Culture and Recreation Office to coordinate implementation of the Family and Seniors Policy and the related action plan in collaboration with all the municipal departments and community organizations involved;
  • ensure the presence on City Council of an elected official responsible for matters concerning families and an elected official responsible for matters concerning seniors;
  • create an official follow-up committee: whose composition reflects the diversity of the residents and social actors concerned: residents representing families, residents representing seniors, community partners and municipal representatives, that will meet at least twice a year, and whose mandate will be to submit opinions and make recommendations concerning the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Family and Seniors Policy and its action plan.


This Family and Seniors Policy attests to the commitment, passion and efforts of many people. The City of Saint-Lambert wishes to thank the following:

  • the members of the committee for their hard work and involvement in developing this policy;
  • residents and the various stakeholders for their informed suggestions during the public consultations;
  • the municipal team and various partners for their participation in one or another of the steps in the process;
  • the Ministère de la Santé et des services sociaux of the Government of Québec for its support during our process; and
  • the Carrefour action municipale et famille for its professional expertise.
  • Associated categories :
  • Municipal politics and plans
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