INFO-WORKS | Due to sewer repairs, Queen boulevard will be closed between De Picardie and Irvine avenues towards Laurier boulevard starting Monday, March 24 at 8 a.m. for 2 to 3 days.
Urban agriculture (also known as urban farming) is an emerging agricultural activity (examples are beekeeping, rearing animals, backyard vegetable gardens, aquaculture) in urban environments. It promotes local procurement, improves food self-sufficiency, supports local agri-food systems and raises city-dwellers’ awareness of the challenges of agriculture. Learn more about this practice on this page.
Since the last zoning by-law 2024-215, it is now legal, under certain conditions, to have chickens.
Edible gardens
In Saint-Lambert, recognizes food production as an urban activity in its own right. We hope to firmly root this practice in our city dynamics and encourage you to do the same. That is why we work, among other things, to create new community gardening spaces and to re-assess certain municipal by-laws to promote project implementation, such as edible gardens on residence façades.
We also propose urban agriculture workshops to make these practices more accessible to all and organize events to stimulate community activities built around urban agriculture, such as planting or harvesting festivals.
Why get involved in urban agriculture?
Urban agriculture offers the following benefits:
It embellishes the territory: these spaces green the territory and add colours and pleasant smells.
It protects the environment: all green spaces help reduce heat islands, absorb rainwater, and improve air quality.
It provides food autonomy: harvested foods put food on the table and are healthy because they are organic.
It provides socialization opportunities: this activity puts you in touch with other and gives you a chance to exchange ideas, especially in a collective or community garden.
It raises awareness: it’s time to learn more about this activity that is so essential to our survival and about the different types of food that can be grown in our climate.
Some of our urban agriculture projects
Over the past few years, the Ville de Saint-Lambert has launched a number of urban agriculture projects. Here is a glimpse:
Saint-Lambert residents have access to a community garden at Lespérance Park; it was renovated in 2019 and has over 100 plots.
An edible space was created in Mercille Park in 2019 with trees and fruit-bearing shrubs accessible to all.
Since 2018, the city has supported the Réseau écocitoyen in collective gardening projects at Saint-Denis Park and in front of the Serenity Gardens Residence for Seniors.
Since 2021, a vegetable garden pathway was set up, starting in Mercille Park and running along Green and Elm avenues as far as Saint-Denis Park.
Edible plant beds have been put in by some individuals and institutions, such as École des Saints-Anges, through community initiatives and with support from the municipality.
We also have spaces for pollinators set up in Lespérance, Saint-Denis, Seaway and Boisé du Limousin parks. Espace Claude Trudeau, inaugurated in 2021 at the Golf Park, educates visitors about the importance of saving monarch butterflies. Lastly, wide gutters have been left untouched at Seaway Park for this purpose.
In addition to these achievements, every year the ECO Brigade raises public awareness of questions of biodiversity and urban agriculture in Saint-Lambert.
What can you do?
Creating a home garden, growing fine herbs or edible flowers in bins, or installing a green roof are just some of the actions suggested.
We also intend to support the emergence of citizen initiatives, such as community gardens or vertical gardens in private, institutional or commercial spaces, to promote community involvement and social cohesion.
Got an idea for an urban agriculture project? Tell us about it at 450-672-4444 or at Our Environment team will be pleased to assist you in your efforts.
Learn about urban gardening
The Québec government has some pointers to introduce you to urban agriculture. It tells you how to choose spaces for gardening, what to plant, and how to prepare and take care of your vegetable garden (in French only).
Saint-Lambert has a community garden at Lespérance Park. It consists of 93 lots of 9 feet x 19 feet, 10 half lots of 9 feet x 9 feet, 8 raised lots for people with reduced mobility and 2 lots that can accommodate wheelchairs. These plots of land were created for residents wishing to grow flowers and vegetables. Rental fees are $85/year for a regular lot and $44/year for the others.
Among the benefits offered by a community garden is the opportunity to meet other people who share a passion for gardening, and to exchange tips and ideas. As an added bonus, gardening is a proven stressbuster! The lots are reserved for Saint-Lambert residents. Anyone wishing to rent one can contact the Culture and Recreation Office at 450 672-4444 or to put their name on the waiting list.
Urban beekeeping
As part of its actions under the sustainable development plan, the Ville de Saint-Lambert, in collaboration with its Environment Committee, decided to set up an urban beekeeping project in 2014.
Following its success, the project is now part of regular municipal activities and produces a good urban honey harvest annually. Two hives were installed on the roof of the Public Works Office. The bees will overwinter there, where it is well insulated to allow them to withstand extreme cold and icy winds.
Awareness-raising activities are also organized in Saint-Lambert around this project, such as a workshop on honey extraction or a candle-making activity.
Why have beehives in the city?
An environmental movement has emerged in response to diminishing bee colonies, with the specific aim of protecting bees. Among other things, urban beekeeping is designed to help preserve bee populations and maintain a balanced ecosystem. With these hives, the city is helping to restore balance in the urban ecosystem and, especially, to protect bee populations, which have been in sharp decline worldwide for more than a decade.
In Saint-Lambert, beehives are only allowed in institutional, public and commercial settings, and under certain conditions. The number of bee colonies has to be controlled to maintain a healthy bee population.
What are the causes of the decline in bee populations?
According to European and U.S. health authorities, many factors have contributed to the decrease in bee colonies, including the various pathogens that affect them, aggressive beekeeping methods, and environmental pollution, including pesticides and electromagnetic waves (cell phones, Wi-Fi).
Why protect bees?
From an environmental perspective, bees are essential to agriculture, as they are the main pollinators of fruit and vegetable crops, such as apples, cucumbers, onions, and melons. And from an economic point of view, these remarkable pollinators contribute to agricultural production and save the agricultural industry billions of dollars every year.
How to tell a bee from a wasp
A bee is furry, with black and amber alternating stripes. It is a vegetarian, peaceful insect. In fact, its main occupation consists of flitting from flower to flower, gathering pollen and nectar that will be used, among other things, to produce honey. Unlike wasps or mosquitoes, bees only sting if they think they are in danger, to protect their hive. It is the perfect insect to share our urban environment.
A wasp has no hair or fur on its body, is bright yellow with black lines, and its abdomen is clearly separated from its thorax. A carnivore, the wasp is attracted by organic waste and sweet substances, which is why it is such a pest during outdoor meals in the summer. Wasps are predators of honeybees and tend to be more aggressive than bees, often stinging its victim several times.
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