BOIL WATER ADVISORY | A preventive boil water advisory is currently in effect for residents of des Landes between des Ardennes and du Finistère. Residents must boil water for 1 minute before consuming it.
UPDATE | The preventive boil water advisory that was in effect for residents of Victoria Avenue, between Rothesay et Clack, is now lifted. It is no longer necessary to boil water before consuming it.
In the summer of 2024, the Ville de Saint-Lambert will rebuild Du Poitou Street and a part of D'Alsace Avenue (between De Gascogne and Du Poitou streets). The work will consist of replacing the sewers and water mains, repaving, and rebuilding the sidewalks.
The city will take advantage of this opportunity to repair certain infrastructures, such as sidewalks and roadways, on Simard Boulevard.
We are conscious of the inconveniences caused by such a major project and how they will disrupt your daily life. We would therefore like to help you prepare for the work.
Alsace and Poitou
Late May: Preliminary work
Early June: Demolition work and installation of temporary aqueduct
June to September: Replacement of sewer and water mains
October: Lighting work, reconstruction of sidewalks and first layer of paving
November: Landscaping work
Summer 2025: Second layer of paving
June: Demolition and replacement of sewer and water mains between De Gascogne and Du Poitou streets
Mid-June: Start of pavement and sidewalk repairs between Du Poitou Street and Victoria Avenue
August: Paving and striping work and opening of Simard Boulevard to traffic
September: Landscaping work with traffic in operation
Simard Boulevard
Simard Boulevard will reopen to traffic on Tuesday August 27. However, some work remains to be completed, such as the installation of sod and corrections to road markings. This work could result in occasional traffic jams in the area at various times. Where necessary, signage will be installed or a signaller will be on site to guide motorists.
To ensure the safety of boulevard users, certain modifications have been made to the signage:
A stop sign has been added in both directions at the De Gascogne Street intersection.
The speed limit is now 30 km/h between the roundabout and the end of Préville Park (towards Avenue Victoria).
Du Poitou Street and D'Alsace Avenue
Du Poitou Street and D'Alsace Avenue, east of De Gascogne Street, are closed to traffic for the duration of the work. Only local residents and Préville school staff are allowed in the work zone.
Access to Préville school
As D'Alsace Avenue is closed, access to the Préville school is via Du Béarn Avenue. School transport users will be able to board and disembark on De Bourgogne Street.
To ensure a smooth transition and safe travel for all users, several measures are in place in the area.
Addition of a sidewalk on De Gascogne Street, between D'Alsace and Du Béarn avenues, and on Du Béarn Avenue, between De Gascogne Street and De Charente Avenue. This sidewalk serves as a new drop-off zone. Parents and children must then follow this sidewalk and take the footpath leading to the school from the intersection of Du Béarn and De Charente avenues.
Addition of temporary parking bans on the odd-numbered side of Du Béarn Avenue, between De Gascogne Street and De Charente Avenue, to ensure traffic flow on this stretch of road, which will be heavily used.
Presence of a crossing guard at the intersection of Du Béarn and De Charente avenues.
Presence of a site signaller at the intersection of De Gascogne Street and D'Alsace Avenue.
Presence of a signalman at the entrance of the school parking lot.
Presence of the usual crossing guard at the intersection of Simard Boulevard and Du Pas-de-Calais Street. After crossing the boulevard, parents and children must pass through Préville Park to reach the school. A construction fence is in place to protect the park from the work zone.
Increased presence of the Service de police de l'agglomération de Longueuil in the streets surrounding the school to ensure that signalization is respected and to reassure children and parents.
At the start of the school year, school staff will be present on De Bourgogne Street and Du Béarn Avenue to ensure a safe transition.
RTL buses
Following the reopening of Simard Boulevard, line 13 of the Réseau de Transport de Longueuil (RTL) should resume its regular service. To find out more about the resumption, please contact RTL Customer Service at 450 463-0131 or by using the online form, or visit RTL's website.
Neighbourhood residents
The reconstruction of a street is a complex operation involving several companies, and it disrupts people’s lives. We invite you to consult the Practical information during roadwork page, which will offer practical tips to ensure your daily routine remains as unaffected as possible.
Planning on doing some renovations this summer?
If you wish to carry out renovation work on your home this summer, we invite you to consider the inconveniences caused by this major roadwork when planning your project. Remember that, among other things, when excavation work is underway to replace the pipes and rebuild the sidewalks in front of your home, it will be temporarily impossible to access your home with a vehicle. This type of work usually takes 10 working days.
Take advantage of the roadwork on your street to make some home improvements
During this roadwork, the entire street will be rebuilt, including replacing the water supply mains, sewer pipes, roadway, and sidewalks. You might want to undertake certain projects, which will be easier to do at this time, such as:
Sewer pipes and water supply mains
The Ville de Saint-Lambert will replace the water supply mains and sewer pipes up to the right-of-way of your property.
If you think there is a problem with your private water supply mains or the sewer pipes that run between your home and the property line, or that they might be obsolete, this would be a good time to replace them.
If you would like to change the configuration of your curb and driveway entrance, this would also be a good time to schedule such work.
For more information or to plan one or more of these projects, please contact Madorelle Hounkanrin at the Urban Planning, Permits and Inspection Department at 450-672-4444 or at
We invite you to contact the Engineering Management division at 450 672-4444 or at You can also speak with municipal engineering technician Christian Chan Ying, who will be your primary contact throughout the project. He can be reached at 514-261-3919.
The information on this page will be continually updated. We invite you to check it regularly for progress reports on the work.
2024-09-06 - Work on Alsace and Poitou on Saturday, September 7
Exceptionally, the contractor will be on site on Saturday September 7 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.
2024-08-26 - Reopening of Simard Boulevard and work update
Good news! Simard Boulevard is scheduled to reopen this Tuesday, August 27! However, some work remains to be completed, such as installing sod and correcting road markings. This work could cause occasional inconveniences in the area at various times. We ask you to be vigilant and to respect the signage in place or the instructions of the flagman, where applicable.
To ensure the safety of boulevard users, certain modifications have been made to the signalization:
A stop sign has been added in both directions at the De Gascogne Street intersection.
The speed limit is now 30 km/h between the roundabout and the end of Préville Park (towards Victoria Avenue).
Alsace/Poitou sector
Work will continue for a few more weeks on D'Alsace Avenue and Du Poitou Street. As D'Alsace Avenue is closed to traffic, access to Préville school is via Du Béarn Avenue. For school transport users, students will be boarding and disembarking on De Bourgogne Street.
To ensure safe access to the school, several mitigation measures have been put in place in collaboration with the school management. Parents have received a communication to this effect. All measures are also detailed on our website.
As the new school year approaches, we invite all motorists, cyclists and pedestrians to exercise caution in the area.
2024-08-16 - Work on Alsace and Poitou on Saturday, August 17
Exceptionally, the contractor will be on site on Saturday August 17 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience.
2024-07-18 | Complete closure of Simard for paving work
Work to resurface Simard Boulevard is progressing, and we are now at the stage of paving. The work is scheduled between 171 Simard Boulevard and Victoria Avenue, for the nights of July 22 to 23, and July 23 to 24, between 10:30 p.m. and 6 a.m.
As announced at the start of the project, to carry out this work, it will be necessary to close Simard Boulevard completely to vehicules during this period. No traffic, with the exception of emergency vehicles, will be allowed during the work. It will therefore not be possible to access your home via Simard Boulevard. We invite you to plan your trips accordingly, and to use the existing detour route.
Night-time paving work on Simard Boulevard will generate noise due to machinery and truck traffic. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Temperature being a critical factor for paving work, it may be necessary to postpone work until the following day if weather conditions do not allow us to proceed.
2024-07-10 | Work on Saturday, July 13
The contractor will be working this Saturday, July 13, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on boulevard Simard at rue du Poitou, to make up for the delay caused by the day's rain, and thus ensure that we stay on schedule. Thank you for your understanding!
2024-06-21 | Closure of access to Préville park
As of this Friday, June 21, D'Alsace Street, between De Gascogne Street and Préville School, and Du Poitou Street are closed to traffic to allow work to continue in the area.
Access to Préville Park will now be possible via De Lorraine Street only. We therefore encourage you to walk or cycle to get there.
2024-06-14 | Work begins on the section between Dauphiné/Plamondon and Victoria
Starting June 17, crews will gradually begin work on the section between Dauphiné/Plamondon and Victoria Avenue. Local traffic on this section will still be possible, but will now alternate with flagmen. At certain times, depending on the progress of the work, traffic will be impossible for up to a few minutes.
We invite residents with other options for accessing their homes to avoid Simard Boulevard. Please expect some waiting time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
2024-05-16 - Complete closure of Simard Boulevard as of June 3
Work will begin shortly in the area. So, starting June 3, Simard Boulevard will be completely closed to traffic between Riverside Street and Victoria Avenue, until the end of the summer.
The detour route will take Victoria Avenue, Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Boulevard and Riverside Street.
We invite you to be careful when circulating in the area around the worksite and to respect the signs in place.
2023-12-08 - Presentation of the project
You can consult the presentation made to the citizens during the meeting of December 7.
We will be holding an information session on Thursday, December 7, at 8 p.m., at the multi-purpose centre (81, Hooper Street) to present this project to the public. You can also watch the meeting live on our YouTube page.
During this information session, we will explain the key aspects of the project and present the projected plans and timeline. We will also give you some practical tips to ensure that your daily routine remains manageable and endeavour to answer any questions you may have.
Tell us what you think
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